
Friday, March 1, 2013


To 8C,

I would like to start off by saying how excited and proud I was today with how well our presentation went!!!  I heard so many positive and uplifting comments, including:

"That was the best assembly I have ever been to!"  "What an inspirational and moving presentation!"

This whole assembly could not have been made possible without all of the people that helped to put it together....  I am so proud of how our class was able to put together an AMAZING & MOTIVATIONAL assembly for our entire school and members of our community!!!  From the making of cupcakes, to the selling of cupcakes, to the preparations in the gym, to those staying after school and coming in early in the morning, to the production of our short movie, and countless other contributions, it was ALL OF YOU that helped to make this possible!!!

I would also like to thank all of the parents who helped out by making cupcakes to raise funds to get Michel to come to our school!!!

I hope that all of you gained a better appreciation for your lives and the people in it after listening and watching today's assembly.  We are so fortunate and lucky that we live in a country defined by its freedom and its caring nature to help others who are less fortunate all over the world.  I encourage you to be compassionate and to think beyond yourselves......  let's be selfless and help make a difference in our community and towards others in other parts of the world.... REMEMBER THE POWER OF GIVING.

Today is a day that I will always remember... it's still very surreal, but it was the most MEMORABLE and POWERFUL assembly that I have been a part of!  I have never been prouder as a teacher than I am right now... you have all made a true impact on me with all of your hard work, generosity, and compassion.  I couldn't have asked for a better class than this one!!!

Thank you for continuing to strive further and for helping to make today such a powerful experience for everyone who took part in it!  Michel was completely touched and honoured to have been part of this experience.  Keep working hard and believing in yourselves.... 

Thanks for a day to remember 8C!


Mr. D (luckiest teacher in the world!!!)


1 comment:

  1. Hey Mr. D!!:)
    I know i always keep on saying this but we are the most luckiest students in the world. Putting on a assembly like yesterday's would not have been possible if weren't for you. You might say that it was all of us and we all worked so hard but the truth is that none of this would have happened if it weren't for you. Not only did Michel make a difference in our lives but so did you, for believing in yourself, your students, always looking beyond yourself and doing what's right and that will make a difference. I am honestly proud of being in 8C. Michel has truly made an impact in my life with his story, courage, and perseverance. I think yesterday's assembly was an opportunity of a life time. Hearing someone speak about their story on T.V is one thing but seeing them face to face or a few steps away is another. Another experience that not everyone will get. We are so fortunate to be here and to have a teacher who always wants to make a difference. You truly are one of my idols. Just being a part of this memoriable and powerful assembly makes me think about what kind of change I want to be in this world that we call home? What kind of person do I want to be? Do I want to be mute or a person with a voice? I have been asking myself these questions for years and now I finally have an answer. So thank you Mr.D and thank you Michel for making a diference in my life and for helping me become a better person who is not only compassionate but also a somebody with a voice. You started with a difference but now it is up to me if I want to continue with it. As Mahatma Gandhi once said "My life is my message" Now it is up to all of us to find the message we each want to spread. The future depends on what we do taday right now.
